I recently worked on a couple promotional videos. These have been fun projects that allow me to do a wide range of producing, shooting and editing tasks. Hey, don’t you need one, too?
Here is post that will contain visual effects work. I have recently started working with some Seattle area film maker groups, and will be doing more shooting and editing work.
Here is an example of a simple sky and sign replacement:
This is a test for of a night time scene, shot during day light:
A Seattle fund raising event for the Special Olympics. Crazy (but dedicated) people take a dip in the frigid waters of the Puget Sound, raising $140,000 to support the Special Olympics. Cool. Really cool.
As a former musician, I enjoy producing videos that highlight music. In addition to the Fretboard Journal live music broadcasts, and Seattle Improv Jam video I helped shoot, here are a few that I have created for Seattle area musicians.
Brendan Wires is a Seattle musician who performs as a solo electric bassist.
A recent video I shot and edited for Seattle band, The Fabulous Roof Shakers.
Boogie Woogie maestro Arthur Migliazza
Performing at the Highway 99 Blues Club in Seattle, WA. arthurmigliazza.com/
Multi-instrumentalist Bob Knetzger ripping it up on a blue grass tune.
Seattle bluesman Kim Field & his Mighty Titans of Tone performing at the Highway 99 Blues Club in Seattle, WA.
The Fabulous Roof Shakers laying down their brand of rockin’ blues at Third Place Books, Seattle, WA fabulousroofshakers.com/
Taiko drumming group Kaze Daiko performing at Seattle’s 2014 Cherry Blossom Festival. My apologies for the bad audio, as I had no access to the PA system for clean audio. kazedaiko.com/
Balkanarama performing at the Seattle Center. My apologies for the bad audio, as I had no access to the PA system for clean audio.
An old video shot at the 2013 Seattle Folk Life Festival. Pardon the lame audio; recorded with my camera’s crappy built-in microphones! nwfolklife.org/festival
Every now and then I have the pleasure of shooting live broadcasts for the Fretboard Journal Magazine‘s website. Although the broadcasts are produced under less than ideal conditions (tiny room, minimal audio support, available lighting), I thoroughly enjoy being in the presence of so many world class musicians.
Nels Cline and Julian Lage prepare for a live broadcast performance and interview.
I have been shooting and editing video for over 6 years in the Seattle, WA area. My experience includes corporate interviews and events, live music and dance performances, Kickstarter campaigns, short independent films, documentary films and more. Clients range from small businesses to larger companies such as Seattle Opera, Amazon, Group Health, Microsoft, Century Link, University of Washington, Lexus and Napster Music. I frequently work assignments for production companies as a work-for-hire camera man and location audio recordist. I can work as a crew of one, or scale up with additional crew to accommodate larger projects. I offer a full range of preproduction, production and post production services.
Please take a few minutes to view some of my work, and keep me in mind for your current or future projects.